Open Access

Right-Wing Populism and Educational Research

Exploring theoretical and methodological perspectives

Christoph Haker y Lukas Otterspeer

Cite this publication as

Christoph Haker, Lukas Otterspeer, Right-Wing Populism and Educational Research (28.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 2195-867X, 2020 #3, S.250


Descripción / Abstract

Right-wing populist uses of educational research are the focus of this article. First, we ask how these uses can be grasped theoretically and methodologically. We are thus concerned with exploring appropriate perspectives, which we then apply to the right-wing populist use of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2016 (PIRLS 2016) in Germany. Here we ask, secondly, which changes and continuities can be identified. By considering continuities, we reject perspectives that treat rightwing populism a priori as a problem outside academia. We conclude by identifying consequences (against technocratic and decisionistic strategies) for research.

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