Jonathan D. Rosen & Marten W. Brienen (Hrsg.) Prisons in the Americas in the Twenty-First Century. A Human Dumping Ground (Feest)

Johannes Feest

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Johannes Feest, Jonathan D. Rosen & Marten W. Brienen (Hrsg.) Prisons in the Americas in the Twenty-First Century. A Human Dumping Ground (Feest) (2016), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0341-1966, 2016 #04, S.330


Descripción / Abstract

Jonathan D. Rosen & Marten W. Brienen (Hrsg.) Prisons in the Americas in the Twenty-First Century. A Human Dumping Ground (Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books) 2015, XIV + 243 Seiten, $ 79,99.

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