Open Access

Beyond the Teacher - Three perspectives on school classroom

Jeong-Gil Woo y Joo-Young Jung

Cite this publication as

Jeong-Gil Woo, Joo-Young Jung, Beyond the Teacher - Three perspectives on school classroom (2016), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-3247, 2016 #03, S.422


Descripción / Abstract

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the classroom phenomenon, which lies beyond pedagogical intentionality according to organization theories, systems theory and the concept of natality by Arendt. Firstly, we investigate theories on school organization from bureaucracy theory (Weber) to garbage can theory (Cohen, March, Olsen). It provides us an organization theoretical overview and historical changes in identifying school classroom. Secondly, we will also investigate Luhmann´s systems theory, in which the school classroom can be marked with the metaphor of the "white box". Different from the "black box", it will provide us relatively with more transparency regarding the rules of interaction between participants. Focusing on the concept of double contingency, the possibility and limit of this sociological-constructivistic approach will be discussed. In the following chapter, we will lastly explore the concept of natality by Arendt, which is a key concept in her philosophy. It will provide an ontological-genealogical perspective, which seems to be uneasy to reconcile with the traditional conceptualization of education, but is helpful to understand the classroom, where every individual, as well as the class as a social being, experience new identities through second births.

Keywords: Organization Theory, Bureaucracy Theory, Garbage Can Theory, Systems Theory, Natality

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