Alchemy of Punk: Transmutation, Subversion, and Poetry in Punk Avant-Gardes

Aneta Panek

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Aneta Panek, Alchemy of Punk: Transmutation, Subversion, and Poetry in Punk Avant-Gardes (2022), Logos Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 9783832583873


Description / Abstract

Alchemy of Punk is a thesis and opera developed by Aneta Panek as part of her PhD at the Fakultät Gestaltung in the Universität der Künste Berlin, with the support of Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains in Tourcoing, France. The work investigates punk's poetics and motifs, genealogy, and subversive reinvention.

Reaching as far back as the Middle Ages and exploring the tradition of troubadours, minnesingers, madrigals, beggar’s operas, and murder ballads, Aneta proposes to understand punk as an embodiment of Dionysian art; a danse macabre celebrating life through performative, screamed poetry. In her textual exploration of punk —this thesis— she delves into the vast forms of expression adopted by punk’s vagabonds, outcasts, and poètes maudits, and in her artwork —the punk opera— she tests the theories and ideas presented in her thesis, bringing together some of the greatest voices of classical opera, punk, and industrial rock in an explosive spectacle of theatrical and musical experiences, video installation, and live performance.

Table of content

  • INTRODUCTION – Thesis, methods, and results
  • Definition of key terms: punk, alchemy of punk, transmutation, subversion, and poetry. Terminology and epistemological contextualization of punk.
  • Methods, materials, and sources: alchemy as a metaphor and a method. Toward an alchemical genealogy of punk. An experimental, art-history-informed data collage and open archive including poems, songs, films, conversation pieces, references, documents, and
  • Performative research and performing knowledge: about the necessity of visualization and associative speculation in formulating and deconstructing theories and questioning realities —the punk opera.
  • Scope: timeline 1976–1968–1916–1461. Historical figures of poets, thieves, and assassins. Proto-punk. Birth and death of punk —the contemporary context of punk's emergence and decline.
  • Death: The resurgence of medieval death and decay motifs in punk: Apocalypse, ars moriendi, memento mori, and danse macabre. The blank generation and their longing for death. The elegy.
  • Love: ``Find what you love and let it kill you.'' The permeation of love and death, sex, drugs, AIDS, infatuation, crime, and suicide. From murder ballads, broadside ballads, chansons des trouvères, songs of the minnesingers, and madrigals to punk songs.
  • Travesty: buffoonery, play, and joke. Masculin Féminin, alchemical androgynies and the crucial meaning of travesty and changing identities in punk. Travesty as a strategy of exposure and rebellion. Identities of resistance. Jackie Curtis, Candy Darling, H
  • Poetry: fear and loathing, insolence and innocence, and purity and cynicism. The manifold legacy of poètes maudits: François Villon, Dante Alighieri, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Comte de Lautréamont, William Blake, Walt Whitman, Antonin Artaud, Jo
  • Performativity and theatricality of punk: historical outline of performative and theatrical strategies reaching back to the traditions of ancient Dionysia, medieval mystery plays, ballads, pastorals, folk songs, ditties, cabarets, chansons, beggar's opera
  • Aesthetics of cacophony: impromptu, noise, scream, howl, and explosion. The intricate relationship between music, avant-garde, and counterculture. Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu by Antonin Artaud (1947), Tontänze by Valeska Gert (1920s), and die U
  • Finit hic deo: Lucifer's non serviam and the Sex Pistols' ``I am an antichrist.'' Punk as a rebirth of medieval satanism, iconoclasm, and heresy.
  • CONCLUSION and impact on my own work Heresy and sacrilege Dionysian Art Readings of Bataille The Punk Opera

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