Mark Maguire, Catarina Frois und Nils Zurawski (Hg.): The anthropology of security. Perspectives from the frontline of policing, counter-terrorism and border control (Legnaro)

Aldo Legnaro

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Aldo Legnaro, Mark Maguire, Catarina Frois und Nils Zurawski (Hg.): The anthropology of security. Perspectives from the frontline of policing, counter-terrorism and border control (Legnaro) (28.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0341-1966, 2015 #03, p.245


Description / Abstract

Mark Maguire, Catarina Frois und Nils Zurawski (Hg.): The anthropology of security. Perspectives from the frontline of policing, counter-terrorism and border control.

(London: Pluto Press) 2014, 209 S., Paperback £ 20,50

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