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Inciting an attentive experimental ethos and creating a laboratory setting

Philosophy of education and the transformation of educational institutions

Jan Masschelein

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Jan Masschelein, Inciting an attentive experimental ethos and creating a laboratory setting (2012), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-3247, 2012 #03, p.354


Description / Abstract

Abstract: All over Europe educational institutions (school, family, university, youth care etc.) are undergoing profound transformations. This paper explores on a more general level of what it could mean to deal with them, to relate to them, and to take up the challenge they offer for philosophy of education. In order to do so, the paper first recalls how Hannah Arendt in the preface to her book Between Past and Future entitled "The gap between past and future", describes her own philosophical work as "exercises in/of thought" implying a particular gesture and stance in relation to what happens. To further indicate what such exercises entail (what they actually are about) and what they require (in terms of equipment and preparation) a concrete and topical example of such an exercise is presented: the cinema of the Belgian Dardenne Brothers. Then, finally, these exercises are related to a proposal to create "laboratories", to set up experiments, and to do a kind of ´fieldwork´ in relation to the actual transformations of educational institutions.

Key words: exercise, experimental ethos, philosophy of education

Stichwörter: Übung, Ethik, Bildungstheorie

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