Translation and Interdisciplinarity: Diverse Contacts, Relationships and Effects

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Mehmet Tahir Öncü (Hg.), Faruk Yücel (Hg.), Translation and Interdisciplinarity: Diverse Contacts, Relationships and Effects (2022), Logos Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 9783832583323

Beschreibung / Abstract

Interdisciplinarity is significant in the age of globalization and digitalization. It creates new opportunities through comparison and analysis of different findings and methods. Furthermore, it expands the boundaries of each discipline: each topic or phenomenon can be viewed under a whole new light. Instead of conventional or traditional methods, interdisciplinary cooperation can lead to innovative approaches that can contribute to the value of each discipline involved. It also requires respect and recognition between disciplines: their independent positions could be questioned or justified based on their interrelationship. Moreover, interdisciplinary work brings together diverse experts who cooperate and share their findings with each other. In this sense, interdisciplinarity can be seen as a dialogue between disciplines. In this complex interaction, a 'third' field may emerge that transcends the boundaries of each independent discipline.

Since relatively young Translation Studies has long been influenced by other disciplines, its boundaries could be defined through interdisciplinarity. In this book, numerous translation scholars engage with the relationship between translation and other disciplines. Translation here is not only to be understood as a transmission of texts, but in a broader sense, as denoting a transformation of different phenomena that could be studied both as a product and as a process.


  • Preface
  • Vorwort
  • Dilek Turan (Ankara) Mythologie und medizinische Terminologie. Ein interdisziplinärer Arbeitsbereich
  • Ensa Filazi (Istanbul) Translationswissenschaft: eine interdisziplinäre Perspektive für die -internationale- Politikgeschichte
  • Bahar Aliye Sertdemir (Izmir)/ Mehmet Tahir Öncü (Izmir) Ein Beitrag zur Simultandolmetschdidaktik: Vergleich eines mono- und multilingualen Studiengangs in der Türkei
  • Furkan Aka (Izmir)/ Mehmet Tahir Öncü (Izmir) Zur Bedeutung der Übersetzung bei medizinischen Texten: Eine Analyse von deutschen und türkischen Beipackzetteln
  • Mehmet Erguvan (Istanbul) Presentation of Turkish Television Remakes in Media Paratexts
  • Pelin Şulha (Izmir) Eskandari’s Characters in Audio Description: 12 Feet Deep and Trauma Center
  • Caner Çetiner (Balıkesir) Redefining the competences of translators in light of the increasing use of post-editing
  • Elifceylan Yağız (Ankara)/ Ahu Selin Erkul Yağcı (Izmir) Intersemiotic Translation as Adaptation/Retranslation: The Case of Far From The Madding Crowd in Turkey
  • Mine Çankaya (Izmir) Translation Strategies in Undergraduate Textbooks
  • Asena Kaya Karaca (Ankara) Museum Studies and Translation Studies on an Interdisciplinary Basis: A case study from Turkey
  • Selahattin Karagöz (Izmir) Fan-translating the Past: User Empowerment, Community Force and Total War’s Survey in Turkish
  • Hilal İzci (Izmir)/ Faruk Yücel (Izmir) The Interrelation Between Translation and Drama: Formation of the Literary System Within The Scope of Theoretical Approaches
  • Füsun Ataseven (Ankara) La veille multilingue, la nouvelle responsabilité des traducteurs: travail multidisciplinaire
  • Autorenverzeichnis
  • Gutachterverzeichnis

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