Schulgesundheitspflege in Deutschland.

Professionalisierungsprozesse zwischen primärer Gesundheitsversorgung, Gesundheitsförderung und Strukturentwicklung

Ulrike Manz

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Ulrike Manz, Schulgesundheitspflege in Deutschland. (28.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 1430-9653, 2021 #4, S.323


Beschreibung / Abstract

In the last six years, a large number of initiatives and model projects have been registered in numerous federal states with the aim of employing so-called school health professionals in public schools in Germany. The nurses are expected to improve health care, learning conditions and health literacy in schools. This article explores the question of what challenges nursing professionals face from a professional-theoretical perspective in view of this horizon of expectations. Using literature on professional theory and initial evaluation results from current pilot projects, considerations are made on the role of nursing as a profession in the school system, on processes of professionalization and on questions of professional action in the school setting. The results show the necessity of a strong mandate and professional legal protection of the range of school nurse activities, a high demand for qualification measures as well as a necessary educational-systematic positioning of qualification. Overall, school health nursing as a sub-field of community health nursing will be shown to make an important contribution to the structural development of schools in the direction of a health-promoting setting.

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