Viktor Lechta / Blanka Kudlà¡covà¡: Reflection of Inclusive Education of the 21stCentury in Correlative Scientific Fields (Melanie Pospischil)

Melanie Pospischil

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Melanie Pospischil, Viktor Lechta / Blanka Kudlà¡covà¡: Reflection of Inclusive Education of the 21st

Century in Correlative Scientific Fields (Melanie Pospischil) (28.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 1866-9344, 2014 #2, S.218


Beschreibung / Abstract

Viktor Lechta / Blanka Kudlà¡covà¡: Reflection of Inclusive Education of the 21st Century in Correlative Scientific Fields. How to Turn Risks into Chances. Frankfurt a. M./Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/ New York/Oxford/Wien: Peter Lang, 2014, 166 Seiten, 34,95 Euro. ISBN: 978-3-631-64835-3

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