Fejey, Andreas/Nicoll, Katherine (Eds.): Foucault and Lifelong Learning - Governing the subject (Philipp Gonon)

Philipp Gonon

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Philipp Gonon, Fejey, Andreas/Nicoll, Katherine (Eds.): Foucault and Lifelong Learning - Governing the subject (Philipp Gonon) (2009), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-3247, 2009 #02, S.314


Beschreibung / Abstract

Buchbesprechung: Fejey, Andreas/Nicoll, Katherine (Eds.): Foucault and Lifelong Learning - Governing the subject. London: routledge 2008. 218 S., EUR 35,99 (gebunden: EUR 129,99)

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