Ahead of Change

How Crowd Psychology and Cybernetics Transform the Way We Govern

Constantin Malik

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Constantin Malik, Ahead of Change (2010), Campus Frankfurt / New York, 60486 Frankfurt/Main, ISBN: 9783593409047


Beschreibung / Abstract

Wars, revolutions and financial manias are not a necessity. There are ways to prevent them. There are ways to transform the way we govern to ensure a functioning society. What it takes is to be ahead of change - to anticipate change and prepare for it. For this, new methods and instruments are needed - and a whole new way of thinking. Crowd Psychology and Management Cybernetics lead the way.
We have the unique chance today to change something that appears to be an everlasting law: that mankind needs a complete breakdown before it can achieve further progress. We have this chance because today we have the tools to change it.
The crisis we are witnessing is far from over. And it has the capacity to become the worst crisis this world has seen in centuries. But it is not too late to prevent a disaster. The methods pursued until now, however, lead straight to it. Constantin Malik offers an alternative way in this book.


  • Contents
  • German preface for editionMALIK
  • Author s preface
  • Part I Delay
  • 1. Law and Future
  • Part II Stability
  • 2. Managerial Cybernetics
  • Part III Anticipation
  • 3. Crowd Psychology and Socionomics
  • Part IV Preparation
  • 4. Preparing Society: Transforming legislative action
  • 5. Further afield
  • 6. Conclusions and outlook
  • Literature
  • Notes

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