@book {9783593445700, title = "Ukraine in the crosshairs of geopolitical power play", editor = "Schulze, Peter W. AND Veit, Winfried", isbn = "9783593445700", year = "2020", edition = "1", keywords = "EU, Konflikt, USA, Europa, Russland, Sowjetunion, Sicherheitspolitik, Krieg, Wladimir Putin, Sicherheit, Westen, Weltordnung, Geopolitik, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Ukraine, Krim, Erdgas, Erdöl, Normandie-Prozess, Ukraine-Krise, Maidan, Minsker Abkommen, Donezk, Volodymyr Zelensky, #Ukraine, Kiew, Luhansk, Ukrainekrieg", url = "http://www.content-select.com/index.php?id=bib_view&ean=9783593445700", url = "https://content-select.com/de/portal/media/view/5e637d9f-e764-4f05-91c2-688ab0dd2d03", publisher = "Campus Frankfurt / New York", language = "eng", }