Illiberal Politics and Religion in Europe and Beyond

Concepts, Actors, and Identity Narratives

Cite this publication as

Mirjam Weiberg (Hg.), Anja Hennig (Hg.), Illiberal Politics and Religion in Europe and Beyond (2020), Campus Frankfurt / New York, 60486 Frankfurt/Main, ISBN: 9783593443140


Descripción / Abstract

Globale Migrationsbewegungen, Sicherheitsbedrohungen und soziale Umwälzungen haben in den vergangenen Jahren den Aufstieg populistischer rechter Parteien und Bewegungen in Europa und im transatlantischen Raum befördert. Religiöse Akteure stellen potenzielle Allianzpartner für diese Gruppierungen dar. Denn religiöse Interpretationen, etwa die Bezugnahme auf christliche Traditionen, bieten ein Reservoir für die Konstruktion vermeintlich natürlicher Geschlechterordnungen, exkludierender Vorstellungen homogener Nationen und anti-muslimischer Narrative. Dieses Buch analysiert die ideologische, strukturelle und historische Verbindung von Religion und illiberalen Politiken in europäischen Demokratien.


Anja Hennig, Dr. phil., ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft der Universität Frankfurt (Oder).
Dr. Mirjam Weiberg ist Leiterin der Fachgruppe »Demokratieförderung und demokratische Praxis« am Deutschen Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) in Berlin.


  • Inhalt
  • Preface
  • I. Concepts and Theory
  • Introduction: Liberal Democracies under Assault
  • The Ambivalences of Democracy: Religion and Illiberal Politics
  • Religion as a Paradigm of Authority, Hierarchy and (In)Equality†”On Conceptualizing Linkages between Religious Patterns of Thought and Illiberal Politics in Modern Democracy
  • Uniting Through Opposition: The Chains of Equivalence Politics of the Populist Right and Its Use of Religion
  • II. Christian Identity Narratives and Anti-Muslim Politics
  • Hijacking Religion for the Sake of the Nation: Illiberal Democracy in Hungary
  • Between Catholic traditionalism and Laà¯cité: The religious dimension in thought and action of the Front National in France
  • The Religious Dimensions of the Spanish Radical Right: Voters, Ideology and Communication of Vox
  • Turning away from tolerance: Religion and illiberal politics in Austria
  • (Il-)liberal Public Policies on Islam in Switzerland: The Handshake Affair in Public Discourse and State Religious Policy
  • III. Christian Identity Narratives and Nationalisms
  • Hussitism and Illiberal Politics in the Czech Republic: A Historical Religious Legacy in Dispute
  • Orthodoxy as Exclusivist Identity in the Greek Radical Right: Discourse Analysis and Electoral Behavior
  • A Catholic Far-Right Party in Italy? How the Lega Nord Rediscovered Catholicism and Anti-Gender Politics
  • Instrumentalizing Religious Symbols: Anti-Liberal Narratives in the US and Brazil
  • IV. (Il)liberal Christian Actors and Public Policies
  • Political Genderphobia in Germany: How Opposition to Gender-sensitive Education Reforms Unites Political and Religious Right-wing Actors
  • The Christian Orthodox Church and Illiberal Politics in Romania
  • Illiberal Migration Politics and the Divided Catholic Church in Poland since 2015
  • (Il)liberal Intervention? Religion and Moral Politics in Western Europe and the United States of America
  • V. Perspectives
  • Religion and (Il)liberal Politics. Interview of the editors with Michael Minkenberg, European University Viadrina, Comparative Politics, Frankfurt (Oder), 1/10/2020
  • Conclusion: Religion and Illiberal Politics: Patterns of an Ambivalent Relationship
  • Authors

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