Transition From School-to-Work and its Challenges

Susanne Weber y Erno Lehtinen

Cite this publication as

Susanne Weber, Erno Lehtinen, Transition From School-to-Work and its Challenges (25.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0340-4099, 2014 #3, S.194


Descripción / Abstract

Young people´s transition from compulsory education to work has been becoming more difficult and challenging over the past few decades. According to the United Nations´ World Youth Report (United Nations, 2012), the difficulties in accessing work have increased among young people globally. Youth unemployment or youth drifting out of the labor market has become a serious problem also in industrialized countries (International Labour Organisation [ILO], 2012). However, there are significant variations between countries: while the unemployment rate for 15-24 years old youth in Switzerland at the end of 2012 was 7.5%, it was in Germany 7.9 % and in the US 16.4 %, or even higher in Spain 51.1 % and in Greece 51.2 % ? the average rate for the OECD was 17.1 % and for the EU: 22.6 % (The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], March 2012). In the Northern European Countries we observe even young people in this age being pensioned (cf. Järvinen, in preparation)

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