Brock, Colin/Levers, Lila Zia (Hrsg.): Aspects of Education in the Middle East and North Africa (Marcelo Caruso)

Marcelo Caruso

Cite this publication as

Marcelo Caruso, Brock, Colin/Levers, Lila Zia (Hrsg.): Aspects of Education in the Middle East and North Africa (Marcelo Caruso) (2009), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-3247, 2009 #04, S.646


Descripción / Abstract

Buchbesprechung: Brock, Colin/Levers, Lila Zia (Hrsg.): Aspects of Education in the Middle East and North Africa. Oxford/UK: Symposium Books 2007. 140 S., EUR 38,00

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