Auf dem Weg zu einer raumorientierten Schulsystemforschung
Was können raumsensible Sozialtheorien für empirische Analysen regionaler Bildungsdisparitäten leisten?
Nils Berkemeyer, Veronika Manitius and Björn Hermstein
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Nils Berkemeyer, Veronika Manitius, Björn Hermstein, Auf dem Weg zu einer raumorientierten Schulsystemforschung (2016), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-3247, 2016 #01, p.48
Description / Abstract
Zusammenfassung: Gegenwärtig erhalten regionale Schulsysteme wieder vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit in der empirischen Schul- und Bildungsforschung. Fokussiert werden einerseits Untersuchungen, die auf regionale Bildungsdisparitäten in Bezug auf Angebotsstrukturen, Durchlässigkeit und Bildungserträge hinweisen und damit an die Tradition regionaler Schul- und Bildungsforschung anknüpfen, die sich der Analyse sozialer Ungleichheit widmet. Gleichsam komplementär finden Bemühungen statt, das Schulsystem stärker lokal zu steuern und zu integrierten Bildungslandschaften auszubauen. Hier sind exemplarisch die Bildungsberichterstattung und Analysen zur Regional Governance zu nennen. Beiden Richtungen, der empirisch-ungleichheitsanalytischen und der steuerungs- und koordinationsanalytischen, ist eine eher alltagstheoretische Nutzung der Begriffe des Regionalen oder des Raums eigen. Damit, so die zentrale These des Beitrags, werden vor allem die analytischen Potenziale raumsensibler Sozialtheorien für die Analyse regionaler Schulsysteme ungenutzt gelassen. Einige dieser Potenziale werden entlang von Überlegungen zum Theorieelement einer Regionalisierung 2. Ordnung erläutert.
Schlagworte: Raum, Schulsystementwicklungsforschung, regionale Bildungsdisparitäten, Sozialtheorie, Regional Governance
Abstract: At present, empirical research on education and school is once again looking more closely at regional school systems. On the one hand, there is a focus on studies that point to regional disparities with regard to supply structures, permeability, and educational returns, thus following up on the tradition of regional school and education research devoted to the analysis of social inequality. As it were, complementary to that trend, efforts are made to increase local control of the school system and to expand it into integrated educational landscapes. Examples, in this context, would be the educational reporting and analyses on regional governance. Both trends, the empirical-analytical and the control- and coordination-analytical, are characterized by a rather workaday-theoretical use of the concepts of the regional and of space. Thus - and this is the contribution´s central thesis - above all the analytical potentials of spatially aware social theories with regard to the analysis of regional school systems are left unused. Some of these potentials are explained by drawing on considerations about the theoretical element of a regionalization of the 2nd order.
Keywords: Space, School System Development Research, Regional Disparities in Education, Social Theory, Regional Governance
Schlagworte: Raum, Schulsystementwicklungsforschung, regionale Bildungsdisparitäten, Sozialtheorie, Regional Governance
Abstract: At present, empirical research on education and school is once again looking more closely at regional school systems. On the one hand, there is a focus on studies that point to regional disparities with regard to supply structures, permeability, and educational returns, thus following up on the tradition of regional school and education research devoted to the analysis of social inequality. As it were, complementary to that trend, efforts are made to increase local control of the school system and to expand it into integrated educational landscapes. Examples, in this context, would be the educational reporting and analyses on regional governance. Both trends, the empirical-analytical and the control- and coordination-analytical, are characterized by a rather workaday-theoretical use of the concepts of the regional and of space. Thus - and this is the contribution´s central thesis - above all the analytical potentials of spatially aware social theories with regard to the analysis of regional school systems are left unused. Some of these potentials are explained by drawing on considerations about the theoretical element of a regionalization of the 2nd order.
Keywords: Space, School System Development Research, Regional Disparities in Education, Social Theory, Regional Governance