A time for learning: Representations of time and the temporal dimensions of learning through the lifecourse

Gert Biesta and John Field

Cite this publication as

Gert Biesta, John Field, A time for learning: Representations of time and the temporal dimensions of learning through the lifecourse (2010), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-3247, 2010 #03, p.317


Description / Abstract

Abstract: Based on findings from a large-scale longitudinal study into the learning biographies of adults, this paper focuses on the different representations of time in the interview data. The paper discusses three such representations: chronological time, narrative time, and generational time. The authors show how different notions of time operate within the construction of life stories. They also analyse the ways in which different representations of time impact upon and serve as resources for reflection on and learning from life, thus contributing to understanding the complex relationships between biography, life and time.

Key words: biographical learning, life history, time

Stichwörter: Biografie, Lebenslauf, Zeit

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