The family as a nation-state project in a global context. Implications for "Social citizenship" and social welfare

Erica Righard

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Erica Righard, The family as a nation-state project in a global context. Implications for "Social citizenship" and social welfare (20.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 1610-2339, 2009 #4, p.373


Description / Abstract

Die Sozialpolitikforschung zeigt, dass Familie innerhalb von Wohlfahrtsstaaten als nationalstaatliches Projekt verstanden wird. Demgegenüber werden transnationale Familien in der Migrationsforschung als grenzüberschreitendes Wohlfahrtsprojekt beschrieben. Indem beide Forschungsperspektiven aufeinander bezogen werden, ergeben sich neue Zugänge zu "citizenship" und sozialer Wohlfahrt. Es werden drei Forschungsfelder aufgezeigt, um soziale Wohlfahrt aus einer transnationalen Perspektive zu untersuchen. -- While social policy scholars have showed that welfare states treat the family as a nation-state project, migration scholars have described the transnational family as a welfare project spanning across borders. By bringing these generally discrete research realms together, new ways to approach "citizenship" and social welfare at the intersection of national welfare states and global migration are revealed. Drawing on the insights from critical social policy and transnational migration research, three possible research fields considering social welfare from a transnational perspective are outlined. --

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