Open Access

The Making of Citizenship

The Case of the East African Asians in Tanzania and Uganda, c. 1945-1972

Julia Barbara Held

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Julia Barbara Held, The Making of Citizenship (2022), WBG, Darmstadt, ISBN: 9783534407132



Nach der Unabhängigkeit Tansanias und Ugandas verhandelten lokale Akteure Staatsbürgerschaft neu. Als Außenseiter mussten die asiatischen Minderheiten Ostafrikas ihre Rolle in einer neuen Welt finden. Doch während der 1960er verengten sich die sozialen und ökonomischen Räume für sie, was letztlich in der Ausweisung der Asiaten aus Uganda gipfelte.

Beschreibung / Abstract

Citizenship is a process in motion. When empires crumbled and nation-states arose, subjects became citizens. Independence in East Africa brought the transition from imperial to national citizenship. And therefore, those who had arrived in East Africa via imperial channels of migration had to navigate a new world. Asians in Tanzania and Uganda often found themselves out of place and out of space as their social and economic opportunities were shrinking. This book compares the process of citizenship making in 1960s Tanzania and Uganda and how it enabled African politicians to implement more stringent migration, economic policy in a changing global context of migration systems and how finally this narrowing of national space culminated in the expulsion of the Asian minority from Uganda in 1972.


Julia B. Held studierte Geschichte, Politikwissenschaften, Ägyptologie und Klassische Archäologie in Heidelberg. Sie war wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Konstanzer Leibnizpreis-Forschungsstelle Globale Prozesse, wo sie 2020 promoviert wurde. Sie arbeitet als Politikberaterin in London.


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  • Cover
  • Impressum
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • I 1945–1961: A multi-racial society on the road to independence
  • I.1 Perception and experiences of the colonial middleman
  • I.2 Asians in political transit: Collaboration, apathy and political activism
  • II 1961–1967: Defining national and economic space
  • II.1 Negotiating citizenship
  • II.2 Africanisation and its limits
  • III 1967–1972: African Socialism and Nationalism as interacting means of exclusion
  • III.1 Taking over the economy: Nationalisation and Trade Licensing
  • III.2 Closing borders: From immigration laws to the 1972 expulsion of the Ugandan Asians
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Backcover

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