Family Strategies and Schooling Denmark 1880–1914

Ning de Coninck-Smith

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Ning de Coninck-Smith, Family Strategies and Schooling Denmark 1880–1914 (25.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 1436-1957, 2022 #3, S.242


Beschreibung / Abstract

At the turn of the 19th Century, a fight over children’s time occurred in three Danish provincial towns, due to a rising number of weekly school hours. Within the theoretical frame of family-strategy, this chapter discusses how the parents reacted to this new demand on children’s time. It is argued that the parents’ gradual acceptance of the new situation could be explained by the school system’s keeping a door open to child labor. Students could work part time before or after school. Students of very poor parents could leave at the age of 13. This article also includes a discussion about how old strategies for facing the demand on children’s time, such as sending them to a private school or sending them irregularly to school, gradually disappeared, due to school authorities’ growing control over school attendance.

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