All of the Knowledge [of the World] from and for Everyone: Exploring New Epistemologies through Participatory Research for Equity and Inclusion

Obed Arango, Guadalupe Castillo, Horacio De La Luz, Lourdes Flores, Holly Link, Diana Lugo und Laura Sanchez

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Obed Arango, Guadalupe Castillo, Horacio De La Luz, Lourdes Flores, Holly Link, Diana Lugo, Laura Sanchez, All of the Knowledge [of the World] from and for Everyone: Exploring New Epistemologies through Participatory Research for Equity and Inclusion (13.10.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0943-8394, 2021 #1, S.41


Beschreibung / Abstract

CCATE, the Center for Culture, Art, Training and Education, is a non-profit community center that was born out of the initiative of a Latinx immigrant community in Norristown, Pennsylvania. CCATE†™s mission is the development and empowerment of the Latinx immigrant community through the promotion of culture, art, work training and education with the goal of social transformation. The center offers educational programming for young people, families and adults based on their goals, dreams, skills and talents. One of the most robust programs is a community-based participatory research circle, and this essay arose from the program.

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