Effects of integrated learning: explicating a mathematical concept in inquiry-based science camps

Louise Bindel

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Louise Bindel, Effects of integrated learning: explicating a mathematical concept in inquiry-based science camps (2018), Logos Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 9783832591267


Beschreibung / Abstract

Although various arguments for integrated learning of mathematics and science exist, empirical evidence that integrated learning is as beneficial as anticipated is limited. Therefore this quasi-experimental study investigates the effect of integrated learning of mathematics and science on eight student variables by comparing it to a control group. Results show that integrated learning is no miracle cure but has positive and negative effects on specific student outcomes. Whereas integrated learning effects students' view of the relation between mathematics and science positively, it effects students' scientific self-concept negatively. Thus, integrated learning should not substitute but rather complement disciplinary learning.

Obwohl zahlreiche Argumente für das integrierte Lernen von Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften existieren, ist die vorteilhafte Wirkung integrierten Lernens begrenzt empirisch belegt. Im Rahmen dieser quasi-experimentellen Studie wird der Effekt integrierten Lernens auf acht Schülervariablen durch Vergleiche mit einer Kontrollgruppe untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass integriertes Lernen kein Allheilmittel ist sondern positive und negative Effekte auf bestimmte Schülervariablen hat. Während integriertes Lernen die Sicht der Schülerinnen und Schüler auf die Beziehung zwischen Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften positiv beeinflusst, hat es einen negativen Effekt auf das naturwissenschaftliche Selbstkonzept. Daher sollte integriertes Lernen nicht stellvertretend sondern erg änzend zu disziplinärem Lernen implementiert werden.


  • 1 Integrated learning of mathematics and science
  • 1.1 Arguments for integrated learning of mathematics and science
  • 1.2 Defining integration of mathematics and science
  • 1.3 Explication of mathematics in scientific inquiry - a framework for designing integrated learning environments
  • 1.4 Operationalizing the benefits of integrated learning for students
  • 1.5 Empirical evidence
  • 2 Research questions
  • 3 Methods
  • 3.1 Study design and procedure
  • 3.2 Science camps as research setting
  • 3.3 Sample and allocation of participants to treatment groups
  • 3.4 Description and analysis of research methods
  • 4 Learning Environments
  • 4.1 Climate Change - societally relevant context and content for integrated learning
  • N/A
  • 4.3 Explicit and Implicit: inquiry-based learning about climate change
  • 4.4 Explicit: mathematical activities explicating the mathematical concept function
  • 5 Results
  • 5.1 Comparability of treatments Explicit and Implicit
  • 5.2 Q1: Understanding of the mathematical concept function
  • 5.3 Q2: Effects on science-related student outcomes
  • 5.4 Q3: Effects on mathematics-related student outcomes
  • N/A
  • 5.6 Short summary of results
  • 6 Discussion
  • 6.1 Student outcomes effected by integrated learning
  • 6.2 Limitations
  • 6.3 Student outcomes considerably influenced by integrated learning
  • 6.4 Student outcomes showing no evidence of impact by integrated learning
  • N/A
  • 6.6 Implications for integrated teaching and learning of science and mathematics
  • 6.7 Further research
  • 6.8 Contribution to research about integrated learning of mathematics and science
  • 7 References
  • Appendix

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