Degrowth: diskursive Normalisierung als innovatorische Radikalisierung?
Stefan Böschen, Andrea Lösch und Linda Nierling
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Stefan Böschen, Andrea Lösch, Linda Nierling, Degrowth: diskursive Normalisierung als innovatorische Radikalisierung? (2017), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 2195-867X, 2018 #02, S.43
Beschreibung / Abstract
Degrowth galt lange Zeit und gilt auch heute noch für viele Anhänger als eine radikale Gegenposition zum etablierten ökonomischen Diskurs. Dieser Artikel untersucht den Degrowth-Diskurs in seiner Formierung. Dabei wird auf der Basis der Diskursanalyse von Foucault der Wandel im Degrowth-Diskurs durch Diskurs-Ereignisse erklärt, welche sich nicht allein intern vollzogen. Gerade Veränderungen in anderen gesellschaftlichen Diskursen der Gegenwart, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovationsdiskurs, können den Wandel des Degrowth-Diskurses erhellen helfen. Das ‚Diskurs-Labor´ Degrowth zu verstehen gibt zudem Anlass und Anregung, um eine systematische Verknüpfung von Diskurs- und Innovationsforschung empirisch und konzeptionell zu explorieren.
Schlagwörter: Degrowth, Diskurs-Ereignis, Diskursposition, Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Innovation
Degrowth was seen by some followers for a long time as well as today as radical opposition to the established economic discourse. This article explores the formation of this discourse from its beginnings to the present days. Following the discourse analysis of Foucault, the changes in the discourse are explained by discourse-events which are not only internal ones. Moreover, there are changes in other relevant discourses in present days societies, namely sustainable development and innovation. As there are significant co-changes, a look at these discourses help to explain changes within the Degrowth-discourse. Finally, to understand the ´discourse laboratory´ Degrowth offers an occasion as well as an inspiration to systematically explore linkages between discourse analysis and innovation studies both conceptually and empirically.
Keywords: degrowth, discourse-event, discourse-position, sustainability, social innovation
Schlagwörter: Degrowth, Diskurs-Ereignis, Diskursposition, Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Innovation
Degrowth was seen by some followers for a long time as well as today as radical opposition to the established economic discourse. This article explores the formation of this discourse from its beginnings to the present days. Following the discourse analysis of Foucault, the changes in the discourse are explained by discourse-events which are not only internal ones. Moreover, there are changes in other relevant discourses in present days societies, namely sustainable development and innovation. As there are significant co-changes, a look at these discourses help to explain changes within the Degrowth-discourse. Finally, to understand the ´discourse laboratory´ Degrowth offers an occasion as well as an inspiration to systematically explore linkages between discourse analysis and innovation studies both conceptually and empirically.
Keywords: degrowth, discourse-event, discourse-position, sustainability, social innovation