Contouring Gender and Intergenerational Care Relationships in Transnational Families

Evangelia Tastsoglou und Alexandra Dobrowolsky

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Evangelia Tastsoglou, Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Contouring Gender and Intergenerational Care Relationships in Transnational Families (2017), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 1432-6000, 2017 #02, S.140


Beschreibung / Abstract

Transnational care-giving includes but is not limited to transnational parenting, as it often entails care for extended family members, encompassing broader kin ties and social networks across generations. Using a feminist perspective, this paper explores the nature, modalities, frequency, implications and gender patterns in trasnational and intergenerational care provision through a case study of immigrant men and women in Atlantic Canada (Halifax). While providing care across borders is not an exclusively female activity, the gendered social construction of care-giving and the gendered social construction of migration and labour imply that men and women provide care transnationally in gender-specific ways.

Stichworte: Intergenerational Care, Trasnational Families, Gender and Migration

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