Replik: CCT - Career Counselling for Teachers: Beratungsangebot, nicht Selektionsinstrument

Johannes Mayr, Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger und Birgit Nieskens

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Johannes Mayr, Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Birgit Nieskens, Replik: CCT - Career Counselling for Teachers: Beratungsangebot, nicht Selektionsinstrument (25.04.2024), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0340-4099, 2013 #1, S.72


Beschreibung / Abstract

In our reply to Köller et al. we argue that the authors do not examine the counselling and information platform Career Counselling for Teachers (CCT) as such in their study. Instead, they attempt to evaluate the quality of some of the self-descriptive scales offered on the platform. We maintain that the analyses performed include some methodological flaws. Moreover, we claim that the significance of measurement quality as applying to scales embedded within a counselling and information platform, aiming at reflection and autonomous decision making, is somewhat overrated. Keywords: career counselling, online counselling, self-assessment, teacher recruitment, teacher training

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