Project Management

Guideline for the management of projects, project portfolios, programs and project-oriented companies

Gerold Patzak und Günter Rattay

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Gerold Patzak, Günter Rattay, Project Management (2011), Linde Verlag, 1210 Wien, ISBN: 9783709402894


Beschreibung / Abstract

Modern project management is increasingly important, as it is very well suited for fulfilling today?s demands on companies, especially regarding the efficient cooperation of individuals, as well as the development of a goal- and solution-oriented approach.

A project can be understood as a temporary company, since all essential enterprise management functions must be performed in projects as well. The project management approach applied in the present book is a holistic management concept. In addition to project planning and control, it also covers the topics of teamwork, communication, and the organizational integration of projects into companies.

This book provides a guideline for performing individual projects, for professionally selecting projects that are vital for company success (project portfolio, program), for improving project management quality, and for consequently focusing company work on the current environmental requirements (project-oriented company). Additionally, numerous practical examples and case-studies of different project types illustrate the implementation of the presented methods.

Further relevant aspects of today?s project management approaches, such as projects as business cases, procurement and contract design, virtual teamwork, project management career paths, agile project management, or Stage-Gate approaches are integrated into the actual edition. This book contributes to the further development of project management knowledge, and to the establishment of a professional project manager profile. Requirements on competencies and qualifications of project managers are integrated according to the international IPMA and PMI standards.


Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Gerold Patzak ist Universitätsprofessor für Systemtechnik und Methodologie an der Technischen Universität Wien sowie Gastprofessor an der University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. Er ist Gründer der Primas CONSULTING, einem innovativen, internationalen Consulting-Unternehmen im Bereich Projektmanagement.
Mag. Dr. Gnter Rattay, Studium der Betriebswirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Unternehmensfhrung und Controlling an der Wirtschaftsuniversitt Wien, Absolvent des Universittslehrgangs „Projektmanagement im Export“. Geschftsfhrer und Grnder der Primas CONSULTING. Er bringt langjhrige Erfahrung im Aufbau und der Fhrung von Unternehmen sowie der Beratung von Prganisationen aus mehr als 10 Branchen mit. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen, unter anderem des Standardwerks fr Projektmanagement im deutschsprachigen Raum.



  • Titelei
  • Introduction
  • Content
  • Part I: Basics
  • 1 Basics
  • Part II: Project
  • 2 Project Management in the Project Start-Up Phase
  • 3 Project Planning and Execution Phase
  • 4 Coordination and Change Phases in Projects
  • 5 Project Close-Down Phase
  • Part III: Project Portfolio / Project Program
  • 6 Strategic Conception of Project Portfolios and Programs
  • 7 Organizational Structures of Project Portfolios and Programs
  • 8 Integrated Planning and Controlling of Project Portfolios and Programs
  • Part IV: Project-Oriented Company
  • 9 The Project-Oriented Company
  • 10 Table of figures
  • 11 Bibliography
  • 12 Keywords
  • 13 The Authors

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