Metropolitan Governance

Different Paths in Contrasting Contexts: Germany and Israel

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Hubert Heinelt (Hg.), Eran Razin (Hg.), Karsten Zimmermann (Hg.), Metropolitan Governance (2011), Campus Frankfurt / New York, 60486 Frankfurt/Main, ISBN: 9783593410661


Beschreibung / Abstract

Metropolregionen gelten als Motoren ökonomischen Wachstums. Ihre politisch-administrativen Strukturen berücksichtigen die enge Verflechtung der Ballungsräume zumeist jedoch nicht. So kommt es, dass die Umlandgemeinden wirtschaftlich kraftvoller und politisch
selbstbewusster geworden sind, während die Kernstädte durch die großräumige Zersiedelung zunehmend belastet werden. In sieben Fallstudien aus Israel und Deutschland analysiert der Band die Herausforderungen für eine Metropolenpolitik.


  • Content
  • List of Tables and Figures
  • Acknowledgements
  • 1. Metropolitan Governance: A new topic and an old debate
  • 1.1 Research questions and methods
  • 1.2 Metropolitan governance: the academic debate
  • 1.3 Factors influencing the development of various metropolitan arrangements
  • 2. The institutional setting of metropolitan-governance arrangements: Local government in Germany and Israel
  • 2.1 Local government in Germany
  • 2.2 Local government in Israel
  • 3. Metropolitan governance arrangements and their development in the casestudies
  • 3.1 Frankfurt/Rhine-Main: Governance without coordination?
  • 3.2 Institutional innovation in metropolitan governance: The Rhine-Neckar region
  • 3.3 The institutionalization of a metropolitan region: The region of Hanover
  • 3.4 Munich: A fragmented though well-functioning governance arrangement?
  • 3.5 Metropolitan governance in Stuttgart: New regionalism par excellence?
  • 3.6 Tel Aviv: The scope for metropolitan governance in a metropolitan state
  • 3.7 Haifa: A metropolitan region without metropolitan identity in the shadow of Tel-Aviv
  • 4. Comparative Reflections
  • 4.1 Comparative reflections on metropolitan governance in Germany and Israel
  • 4.2 Variations in metropolitan governance in the two countries: An explanation
  • 4.3 The effectiveness of various metropolitan governance arrangements
  • 4.4. The democratic quality of different metropolitan governance arrangements
  • References
  • List of Contributors

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